Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Saludos, KiKi

The photo of Artie and Rooney was taken during the filming of "Off Limits" a movie dealing with boxing and the military (1953).

Art was an extra in the film as was Jackie McCoy and they were both kayoed by Rooney in the script, of course. Stanley Clements was also in the picture and he and Jackie became friends through that association

Jackie introduced me to Clements at the Legion fights one night and we hit it off nicely. According to McCoy Stanley could have taken Rooney easily, but he also had to lose in the movie.

Kiki, that Legion program you posted was the last one that I designed for the club even after I had been named matchmaker. So the programs from 1948 through 1959 were all designed by me and in fact edited by me until Don Fraser came into our staff as a publicity man, in 1953.

One of these days I'll have my Didi scan some stuff for you to enjoy......all California, of course. Okay?

My best to you and yours, Cuate.

Hap Navarro

1 comment:

Mike Duffau said...

another great story by Hap!

Memorial Day 2024

To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice defending American ideals and freedom, and to the families that endured the loss, we g...