Thursday, November 27, 2008



All the darkened arenas where fighters bled and poured their sweat to pay the rent. All the punches they dealt and received to buy food for their families. This was how they made their living. A human body that wasn't prepared for that kind of life despite all the road work and sit ups and sparring partners that readied them to step into the ring to fight another like him.

Now he's old beyond his age and doesn't remember the fights he had in all those arenas that don't exist anymore. Like the old fighter,those smoky coliseums have been broken down so the new faces can never tell what they once were or who the battlers were that made the crowds roar.

Explain to the youth who the Golden Boy was ,or The Olympic where he made his living ,and you'll get a puzzled smile. But we can put it together ,if only from memory. We're thankfull that we lived there once,and now we can see it in a dream that can never be lost.



Randy De La O said...

That's a great piece of writing by Roger, Frank. I'm glad you posted it. have a great thanksgiving!

Frank said...

Just beautiful, Randy, Just beautiful.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jeri, may your great family also have a happy one.


Memorial Day 2024

To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice defending American ideals and freedom, and to the families that endured the loss, we g...