Sunday, December 07, 2008

Pearl Harbor

By Roger Esty

They say 2000 World War II vets die each day.Today is Pearl Harbor Day. I heard an interview this morning with one of the last survivors of that Day of Infamy. Harder and harder to find those guys now a days. Yeh,he was scared all right. Get blind sided like that and you're reacting on instincts.
"All I could think of was getting the hell out of there," said the old soldier.
His voice was soft like he was bringing it all back when he was talking to the news reporter. He brings it back everyday. Probably doesn't talk much about it unless someone asks.Most of his pals are gone.The ones that were beside him that day. Not many around that know what happened on December 7th. Just as many don't care. Watching the NFL game. Not a word of it today. More interest in the local team. That's more important. Not really, but 1941 was so long ago. Look at an old man today and wonder what he was doing on December 7th.

DeLa Hoya lost. Were you disappointed? Did your team lose today? If you feel bad about these things,at least you're around to feel bad about it. We can thank the old soldiers and sailors and Marines that were scared as hell 67 years ago who made that all possible. They made it all possible because once they understood their fear, they used it to beat the devil.

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