Sunday, January 25, 2009

Antonio Margarito

Photos Courtesy of Yahoo Sports

By Randy De La O

Before last night's fight between Antonio Margarito and Sugar Shane Mosley, an illegal substance similar to Plaster of Paris was allegedly found in Margarito's handwraps. I don't know how true or accurate that is but when we don't know the full story we go with what we do know. We know that there are checks in place by the commission to protect both boxers. There is someone from the opposing camp watching the hands being wrapped. We know that Margarito has had 44 fights with 37 wins, 27 by knockout, losing 6 of those fights. While the various commissions, promoters and sanctioning bodies have at times proven themselves to be stupid beyond all belief, I find it hard to believe that someone could get away with loading up the handwraps.

I don't know Margarito but from what I do know, it's a safe bet that this blue collar fighter is not someone who would cheat. I don't think he has that type of character. I think guys like Margarito place too much value on their manhood. Some will understand that and some won't. Could it have gone on with out his knowledge? I don't know, maybe, but I just find it improbable that it would happen at all.

Whatever the case may be, the damage is done. His reputation and credibility may never recover. Like an accusation of rape, the stigma is there. Last nights fight, regardless of what went on in the dressing room was on the up and up. It was an honest fight. Mosley won because he was the better man last night. Margarito lost because, for whatever reasons, he was unable to get his act together. That was evident from the first round.

Did Margarito cheat when he fought Miguel Cotto? My belief is that he did not cheat. Men like Margarito and Cotto place so much value on their manhood, their machismo, I don't believe they are capable of it. That is why losing in such a manner affects their psyche. There will likely be a rematch  between Cotto and Mosley or between Cotto and Margarito. Even if Margarito loses against Cotto that will not be conclusive proof. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.


Anonymous said...

"an illegal substance similar to Plaster of Paris was allegedlyfound in Margarito's handwraps."

Are you serious? The commission found the substance on his handwraps! There was no alleged, it was there. he was chaeting! And who exactly could he not know it was going on, Did they hold his hands behind his back while they coated his hand wraps in the hardening agent?

If I was Cotto, i would demand a rematch ASAP. If I did try to get him barred from ever fighting again.

Randy De La O said...

To my knowledge two pads were seized and are going to be investigated. Until then, I'll give Margarito some benefit of the doubt. If it turns out he did cheat than so be it. I'll be calling for him to be banned from boxing as well.

For those that don't quite understand the word "alleged" go here for a clear definition.

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