Sunday, September 13, 2009

From Monterry, Mexico: Rodriguez and Han Win!

By Louie Burke

David and Abie both won! Abie started it off with a second round stoppage. Abie proved too strong and quick for Gonzalez, punching him around the ring for two rounds. Abie was catching Gonzalez with left hooks and right hands to the body, dropping him right at the bell ending the first round. The second was much of the same, except Abie added a jab to the assault, dropping Gonzales in the second round with a left hook to the body.

This victory earned Abie a much tougher fight in Soul, Korea on Nov, 5. The opponent still hasn’t been announced. As Abie’s coach I was pleased that he paced himself and picked his shots. He walked down the opponent patiently, once the distance was closed Abie opened up on him. He seems to be progressing with every fight, I feel he’ll be a force to reckon with in the near future.

I’m very proud of David, he fought a relentless fight catching a few in the process and firing back. The first round was an extremely faced paced round, especially for heavyweights. David, ripped some vicious shots to the body and hit Robert Davis with some left hooks to the head. Even though David put together some fast combos, Davis took the onslaught very well. Davis did catch David with some stiff jabs, but couldn’t put anything else together. David was moving his head well.

The second round was also a round with a furious pace, with David pounding Davis’s body with left hooks. Davis also took some wicked rights to the head and answered back with his own jabs and a couple of rights of his own.

When David came back to the corner I instructed him to start doubling up on his shots and finishing to the head. I also felt Davis was slowing down and a strong rally might be the end for Davis. David followed instruction very well but let it all hang out a little too much. Both fighters threw simultaneous blows, Davis a wicked uppercut and Rodriguez a powerful left hook, causing Robert Davis quiver a bit, which gave Rodriguez a shot of adrenalin, boosting him to finish Davis off with an unanswered flurry. During the barrage of blows the ref jumped in and stopped the fight. It was a very, very exciting heavyweight fight and I was proud of David for showing some nads after getting hit with some wicked shots. David dedicated this fight to his recently deceased sister Patrice.

The most bizarre injury occurred during the fight and we’re still not sure how it happened. When I took the left glove off of David I noticed blood coming from a deep laceration on his middle knuckle and it was bleeding profusely. I took a towel and covered it up. Once we were in the dressing room the Doctor took a look at it and confirmed it was going to need stitches to close the cut. We initially thought Robert Davis’s tooth had gone threw the glove and cut David’s knuckle, since that what it looked like, but that wouldn’t be likely being that Davis had his mouthpiece in the whole fight. We’re still puzzled how David receive this deep cut to his knuckle. I’ve never seen anything like it.

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