Friday, April 16, 2010

Sergio Martinez vs Kelly Pavlik (with Williams vs Martinez Video)

Anyone interested in the Kelly Pavlik vs Sergio Martinez fight tomorrow night on HBO? Might turn out to be interesting. I thought Martinez did a good job against Paul Williams back in December of last year. I though the fight was his. He proved himself to be a tough customer. Great endurance too. Pavlik's only loss was to Bernard Hopkins but he sort of got exposed a bit in that fight.

Matinez' only loss other than Williams was to Antonio Margarito back in 2000. I think he might just surprise Pavlik. Regardless I hope it turns out to be a good fight. The above video is the complete Paul Williams vs Sergio Martinez fight. It's worth a watch. Below is a video of Pavlik's greatest hits.

1 comment:

brian said...

Yeah,"he might";you sure called that one.I think Martinez also beat Paul Williams.

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