Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Revisiting the Main Street Gym Site

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My wife and I were in Downtown Los Angeles recently and I thought I would I visit the site of the old Main Street Gym on Main St, between 3rd and 4th streets, for old times sake. It's been gone quite a while, having been razed in the mid 1980's, but it is still remembered fondly by west coast boxing fans and by those who trained there. Some of the best fighters of the past trained at the gym. Countless movies and television shows were filmed here, including the first the "Rocky" with Sylvester Stallone, in 1976, and at least two of the sequels, as well as countless other movies and television shows. Some of the best fighters of the past trained at the gym.


brian said...

I'm depressed-and I was never inside...

Unknown said...

We filmed portions of an episode of "The Rockford Files" there in 1978. It was a landmark. Sadly, gone like so much of L.A. Thank you for the photos. We had a lot of fun filming there.

Robert Howe

Memorial Day 2024

To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice defending American ideals and freedom, and to the families that endured the loss, we g...