In his continual, almost one man quest to restore boxing to it's rightful place in the sports world, Oscar De La Hoya has acquired the Ring magazine as well as KO, World Boxing and Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazines. "To be here now and actually own the title is truly a dream come true," said De La Hoya . Regarding questions of conflict of interests, De La Hoya had this to say "We have a very skilled and capable team at
The Ring, and I have all the confidence that these magazines will not only continue to prosper, but in fact grow globally. "These magazines will be held in an editorial trust where they will be operating totally independent of any influence from me or others from the Golden Boy companies as it relates to editorial direction or content."
Kudos to De La Hoya, an East Los Angeles native, that rose from humble beginnings to win a gold medal in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, win six world titles to become the biggest money making draw, and most popular non-heavyweight in boxing history, and on his way to becoming the top promoter in the sport, and now the owner of the "Bible of Boxing" the Ring magazine. De La Hoya is a proven winner with the Midas touch, here's hoping his golden touch rubs off on the Ring magazine.
What?!The Jews...whoops..the Chews(we don't want The ADL involved)no longer control the media?!As far as I was concerned,the Jews controlled the media,because Nat Fleischer & friends he bought out founded The Ring in 1922;he edited it for 50 years.In my last lifetime,I wrote up the Hilmer Kenty-Vilomar Fernandez fight for them in November 1980.I still think it's 'The Bible of Boxing.Anyway,'Mazel Tov(congratulations)to Oscar.
I'm gpoing to have to look for that article. I have most of the Ring magazines from the early eighties. Should be in a box somewhere.
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