Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Muhammad Ali Explains His Anchor Punch

Halaro Videos


Anonymous said...

...well,I'm trying to get the video to work..anyway,I hear a movie about Sonny Liston's coming out starring Ving Rahmes-I'm looking to hear Sonny's side of the story.He had some interesting insights,for example-he said about Floyd Patterson,who he stopped twice:"He had fear in him,but he wasn't no coward."Anyway,it's my brain that has problems,my eyes and ears are ok;I've seen the anchor punch in slow motion and I understand "getting hit with a punch you can't see"..but so far,I still say that I could take "the anchor punch without blinking".I've been wrong before,but after two weird fights between Ali and Liston and the gangster and Nation of Islam crowd that I think intimidated Liston and Liston's strange drug related death...I'm still from Missouri..

Randy De La O said...

I tried it and it seems to be working. Click on the yellow box in the center of the video.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to try a different computer;by the way,I think the footage is from 'When We Were Kings.'

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