Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tarver and Woods vs Roy Jones

Roy Jones and Clinton Woods shown side by side in their fights with Roy Jones. You make the comparisons.


Dan Wilkinson said...

this is a stupid comparison between clinton and antonio.

Randy De La O said...

You might be right, but there aren't too many to go with. Sometimes all you have to go by are their common opponents. The fact that Tarver won two out of three with Jones and Jones stopped Woods in their fight, is stupid? I don't see why. Personally, I think it's a fair comparison, but you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Do I think that this means because of these two fights with Jones that Tarver automatically win? No, I don't, it's just something to factor in. What I do think is that you are a Clinton Woods fan (and rightly so)and somehow the videos irked you. If the results were reversed I'm sure you would have no problem with it. Nothing I can do about that. May the best man win!

Randy De La O said...

Now that Tarver beat Woods, and fairly easy, my comparison doesn't seem quite so stupid, does it? I'm just saying.

Dan Wilkinson said...

well yes as it turned out tarver beat woods something stupid. but anyone who has seen woods fight before knows that that wasn't the real clinton in there, and if he's lost the hunger to that extent then he should retire now.

I also think tarver won 3/3 fights against Jones (despite a rubbish decision to the contrary),but against a prime Jones tarver would have never stood a chance.

Randy De La O said...

I can't disagree with that last statement Dan. I his prime Jones would have been too much for Tarver. Thanks for reading. Randy

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