Saturday, October 17, 2009

Plagiarism Issue Has Been Resolved

My thanks to Dave Baggs of for clearing up the misunderstanding regarding the issue of plagiarism and my review of "Toy Tiger". I appreciate his quick response. My thanks to the good people of for their help. As far as I'm concerned's reputation and integrity remains intact. Following is Dave Baggs' response.


I just recieved a similar complaint from Lawrence about this article. As I mentioned to him, it was submitted to us by one of our writers. We assumed that it was a press release announcing the premier of the documentary. As it had Canadian content in it and since the writter is good friends with Mr. Little, we posted the content accordingly.

No excuses, we have to do the right thing. I can either put your name on the article and put a link to the original article back to your blog or I can remove the article tonight. I would like to leave the choice to you.

I apologize for this situation. In my 10 years of running FightNews Canada, I have never had to deal with a complaint of Plagirism before. I like to believe that all of our content is fresh, original, and home grown. I will talk to the writer tonight to explain the issues of copying other peoples work and how bad it makes everyone look in the process.

In this business, reputation is everything. Without it, you are toast.

Let me know how you would like me to proceed (removal or accrediation).

Dave Baggs
FightNews Canada

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