Sunday, July 27, 2008

Antonio Margarito Talks After His Win Over Cotto


brian said...

He's much more skilled than he looks in the above picture,than much of the HBO commentary and his own self criticism,as well.I gotta remember to bring ear plugs the next time he fights,so I don't have to listen to remarks about him basically swinging at anything and an iron jaw(he may have missed Cotto's head-but he was very good at setting up shots to the body,which made Cotto move across the ring for more of the same),chasing Cotto around the ring-as opposed to cutting it off(ask Cotto what the pressure was like).Before the fight,Margarito said that "boxing" wasn't going to be a major part of his success against Cotto;I was a big fan of Vito Antuofermo,but Margarito deserves much more credit on a "scientific" level.

ScottG said...

Your absolutely right brian, even a puncher has to use his noodle in the ring and adjust to what works for him. Margarito did a masterful job cutting off the ring and like I told my buddy early on during the fight, he was "chopping down a tree" just working it and wearing him down. But, it does help to have a monster chin.

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