Sunday, September 20, 2009

Juan Manuel Marquez vs Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Photos courtesy of HBO Boxing

By Randy De La O

Floyd Mayweather did what almost everyone knew he would do last night, he beat the great Mexican fighter, Juan Manuel Marquez. And he did it spectacularly. It would have been hard to do otherwise considering he had every advantage. He made sure of that fact. The weight was a big factor in this fight. Mayweather chose to pay a penalty rather than meet his contractual weight obligation. There’s more to it than that but that is the gist of it. Mayweather refused to be weighed just prior the fight. The reason should be obvious to anyone who saw the fight. He was probably fighting near 160 lbs. A huge advantage. Mayweather might have won the fight anyway but he ensured his victory by coming in over the weight.

Mayweather won just about every round and with the exception of the second round when Marquez was knocked down, each round was the same. Mayweather was too fast and to slick for the overmatched Marquez. Juan Manuel Marquez is 36 years old and last night he was showing his age, still, a lesser fighter would have given up or been knocked out. Marquez’ chin did not fail him last and  neither did his heart.

My friend, writer and boxing historian Rick Farris had this to say after the fight “Floyd Mayweather looked sharp tonight. Of course he did. He wasn't in the ring with Shane Mosely. That's who he should have fought. The problem with Shane Mosely is obvious. He's too much man for a guy who calls himself "Money"."

That brings me to my next point: Sugar Shane Mosley. Kudos to Mosley for challenging Mayweather to a fight. He did more than challenge Mayweather last night. He shut him up. The usually unflappable Mayweather was left speechless by Mosley's challenge. Mayweather was like a deer in the headlights, looking for someone, anyone to come to his rescue but no one did. Mosley also exposed Mayweather: Visibly shaken up and with quivering lips he gave his best Ralph Kramden imitation "homina, homina, homina". Unable to speak coherently he took out his anger on Max Kellerman and left. His greatest moment ambushed by Mosley, a la Kanye West. Unlike Kanye West, Mosley wasn't picking on a 19 year old girl. Kudos to Max Kellerman for asking the questions and to Sugar Shane Mosley for stepping up! It's my guess Mayweather will never have the stones to fight Sugar Shane Mosley.

To my way of thinking a fight with Manny Pacquiao is not as attractive as it once was. There is no doubt Manny would fight Mayweather, just as there is no doubt Manny would ask for all the concessions in weight as he does in every fight. Both of these guys do their best to ensure they have every advantage in a fight. Why would I want to spend ten cents to see Mayweather fight another little guy?


brian said...

Very well done,Randy;I guess I was hoping-rather than analyzing-that Marquez would pull it off...well,he didn't exactly lose 600 g's ain't bad-and I remain a bad sport regarding Mayweather;he still doesn't impress me at 147.He needs to pick on someone his own size.Hopefully Mosely's the guy-and he doesn't suddenly get old in there.

T-Funk said...

Comparing Marquez's performance to Pacquiao's at 140 lbs + is impossible. The pudgy, slow, plodding Marquez looked more like an inflatible punching bag than a prize fighter. And regardless of what Berestein said: he didn't move up strong. Just because Marquez gave Pacquiao hell at 126 lbs and 130 lbs, that doesn't mean Pacquiao is unable to stand up to Money Mayweather, especially close to 144 where he is already proven and comfortable.

If and when Pacquiao fights Mayweather, I promise you that 1) Pacquiao will never have fought anyone as defensive and slick as Mayweather. And 2) Mayweather will never have fought anyone as fast, powerful, and offensive as Manny Pacquiao.

This could be the birth of a beautiful trilogy.

brian said...

(Not that anyone should care,but...)Pacquiao just doesn't do it for me;the welterweight limit is 147(PERIOD)and if any single division could be rated "most Biblical",147 would be my choice(and see the excellent column by Rick Farris above).If someone wants to make a ton of money fighting Pacquiao by making deals with the weight(and risk their health like Oscar,who hadn't made 147 in like..8 years,fine)but I will will not consider Pacman-Cotto a title fight.I read elsewhere that Pacman's walking around weight is 155(he should've fought Oscar at '54 for me to take the result seriously).My favorite 147 division since I've followed boxing included Ray Leonard,Tommy Hearns,Roberto Duran,Wilfredo Benitez,Carlos Palomino and Pipino Cuevas(and I'm sure I'm missing someone).At one time,you could get into serious arguments as to who would win.None of 'em would think of requesting an opponent to come in under their best weight.

T-Funk said...

1) Oscar was the one who called out Manny to fight at 147 lbs, not the other way around. And up to that point, Pacquiao had only fought as high as 135 lbs ONCE.

2) Mayweather did the same thing and challenged a lightweight to a welterweight fight, at a catch of 144 lbs. And he didn't even try to make the weight!!! Brian, how can you come down on Pacquiao for fighting bigger, stronger men at a disadvantage when Mayweather is fighting smaller, weaker men with every advantage already?!?

brian said...

I think Oscar made a big mistake(aside from the money)to fight at a weight he hadn't made in years.He also kept his word-and made the weight-unlike Mayweather and ...(when was the last time Jose Luis Castillo made weight).Cotto-Pacquiao is scheduled to be at 144-which I think is ridiculous and three lbs. under the limit...Pacquiao should be fighting Juan Marquez-at their normative weight.I certainly don't dislike Pacquiao...but he's no Duran(to me);Duran moved up from 135(had a couple of tune-ups)and beat an excellent Ray Leonard-who probably had the edge in every department.Like Duran,Pacquiao should fight guys at their fighting weight...Beyond that,I like Pacquiao.

T-Funk said...

As a fight fan, there is not way I can't be pumped about Cotto/Pacquiao. And even though I regard Pacquiao as the best fighter in the world, I held Cotto higher for a long time, watching him beat quality welterweight opposition fight after fight.

The fight will be held at 145 lbs, not 144, not that it makes a big difference lol. And I agree--for Manny to be a true throwback, he should have just opted to fight Cotto at the 147 lb limit. But you have to agree it's gutsier for Pacquiao to fight a welterweight champion 2 pounds lighter than Mayweather fighting a lightweight champion 9 pounds heavier.

I would love to see Pacquiao fight Marquez at 140 lbs, because this new Pacquiao would blow him out of the ring in 6 rounds, certainly by knockout, and certainly in more entertaining fashion than Floyd's be-it superb display of skill.

brian said...

Well...I sure don't agree that Pacquiao will blow out Marquez;he dropped him three times in the first round in their first fight;then Marquez came back.I don't know Marquez's walking around weight;I've read that Pacquiao walks around at 155,I think he's naturally bigger than Marquez.We'll never know when any of these guys get "too old";I still think the last time Erik Morales was Erik Morales was in PacquiaoI..PS:I've never been big on Mayweather;I think his "win" in CastilloI was a huge robbery.He's getting by at 147(anybody"s had more fight"s than Oscar in the last hundred years)and I think he's plenty beatable.I'm hoping Mosley's not too old(before Pacquiao).

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