Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jack Demsey's Pub & Restaurant, Midtown Manhatton, NY

Jack Demsey's

Jeri and I ate at Jack Demsey's in Mid town Manhattan, NY in 2004. We had just left the Empire State Building and were crossing 33rd Street when I looked up and saw this restaurant. I said "We're eating here". It was a good move too because the food was great. I had the corned beef and cabbage and Jeri had a seafood pasta dish.

 There was a long bar as you enter that opens up into the dining room. Lot's of boxing photos scattered throughout. It had an old school Saloon and restaurant feel to it. Not quite sure why there is no "P" in Demsey but it probably has something to do with copyrights.

At Jack Demsey's

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To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice defending American ideals and freedom, and to the families that endured the loss, we g...