Monday, May 07, 2012

Andrew De La O: The Last Milestone

Andrew De La O
Andrew Salazar De La O 1923-1981

The Last Milestone.....

 Today marks the 31st anniversary of my father's death on May 7, 1981. A lifetime ago, and yet in some ways it is like yesterday for our family. There are events and dates by which we mark time in this world. My father's death is one of those marks. My father was 57 when he died from prostate cancer. I am 57, and as of September of last year I have lived on this Earth longer than my father. My father died the day before my 27th birthday. Tomorrow, I'll be 58, an age my father never reached. I will officially be older than my father. It is a day that I have thought about for so many years. Still trying to wrap my head around that concept.

 This photo of my father was taken a couple of years before his death. We were in the backyard of my parents home. I remember that day well. I was no longer boxing but as was my father's way, he continued to instruct my brother and I on the value of the jab and his belief that every other punch worked off the jab. He wasn't wrong.


1 comment:

brian said...

A classic.

Memorial Day 2024

To those that gave the ultimate sacrifice defending American ideals and freedom, and to the families that endured the loss, we g...