Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Trifecta of Boxing Books by Author Jerry Fitch

By Randy De La O

I hit the trifecta when I ordered these three books recently from my friend, boxing historian and author, Jerry Fitch. All three books were personally autographed to me by Jerry. That was appreciated.

I have finished reading "Cleveland's Greatest Fighters of All Time". If I was not aware of Cleveland's place in boxing history before, I am now. Jerry's research, knowledge and personal history is evident throughout the book. Beginning with Johnny Kilbane, each chapter gives us an intimate insight into the fighters life, inside and outside the ring.

Next up for me is "James Louis Bivens - The Man Who Would be Champion". The last book in the trio is "Fifty Years of Fights, Fighters and Friendships". You can order the books through or you can order the books directly through Jerry Fitch.

Despite having read only one of the three books I am going to recommend all three on the strength of "Cleveland's Greatest Fighters of All Time". If anything changes I will let you know.

You can order Jerry's books on or directly from Jerry at

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